Predict General Investments


We are supplying a wide range of commodities. From food to Fuel. Our capacity is unlimited. We have strong partners in Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Africa.

Tell us your demand and we will deliver.

 100 %  Satisfaction guaranteed


Energy-trading debacles of recent years and demonstrated their capable financial performance. Today, oil companies and financial houses provide the necessary trading liquidity through market-making on both the established government-regulated futures exchanges and off-exchange energy derivatives markets, which can clear on the futures exchanges.

Diesel, jet fuel
LPG gas
Charcoal /coal


Health and beauty shots, highly enriched with Collagen and other vitamins & minerals, that is designed for anti-aging, skin, nail, and hair care.

A healthy lifestyle includes regular physical activity and a healthy diet. Most people highlight the importance of taking enough vitamins, minerals, and proteins which play a major role in many functions of our bodies.